Monday, August 17, 2009


"What is your purpose?"

For the record, I always dread that question, and it tends to come up every year or so in church or in small groups...."What is your purpose?"

My purpose is simple, right? We (being the human race) were created to worship and be in a relationship with God, right? Right. Simple enough.

But, alas, that generally does not get me out of it. It is inevitable followed up with "Ok - but what is YOUR specific purpose in God's kingdom?" Why did God make ME? He made me with specific gifts and with certain passions for a reason. I've experienced things in life that have also helped to mold me into who I am and can be used towards my "purpose" what the heck is that purpose? Does anyone ever REALLY know this answer? I mean, really? How do you take all of this stuff, mash it all together, and BAM - there's your purpose?

I've taken all of the tests, read a few books along the way...still don't know the answer.

Is my purpose to be "mom" to A&W and to teach them what they need to know about this world, about life, and about our heavenly father so that they can grow up and fulfill their "purpose", whatever that may be?

Is my purpose to be wife to my Dear Hubby, to grow with him, to stand behind him in support of his ministry?

Is my purpose somehow tied up in this crazy career I have as attorney at law? Or am I off-track and need to again seek God's will in where I am supposed to be?

Is my purpose to be a good friend, a good daughter, a good sister or aunt?

Here I am 34 years old - been at my current job for 9 1/2 years - mother of 2, married 11 years. - and I still can't say with any degree of certainty what my God-created purpose is. I think all of this is a part of it, but God still hasn't given me that big billboard that I requested that tells me exactly what I need to do or what my purpose is - these little pieces of the puzzle are great but I can't see the big picture, so I just keep plugging along, waiting for my "AHA!" moment.

So, Phil, when you ask in church if we know what our purpose is, I cringe. Maybe I'm too much of a detail person. Maybe I need to know specifics, God. Have you gone into the billboard business yet? If not, maybe a nice email would do.


  1. I'm right there with you, except I'm almost 35 and still don't know. Thanks for being authentic and sharing what's on your heart.

  2. I've never looked at that question as one that has a singular life-long answer. It's what is my purpose 'in this role' 'at this moment' 'for such a time as this'. So, all of your potential answers are accurate. And they all tie together because without fulfilling the one, you wouldn't be prepared or complete to fulfill the others. Right?

  3. great post Kacey. The question comes up a lot in my life too. And, like you, I cringe! I used to feel such pressure with this question! (Gasp!) I DON'T KNOW THE ANSWER! It's hard for me to not know the answer to something - I typically don't work well that way. (and neither do you, sweet friend!) So, I do the only thing I know to do - ask myself if I am doing what I need to be doing today. Not yesterday and not tomorrow. The good news is that I think the answer changes. That's why we can't straight out answer it.

    BUT, then there are those that seem to be able to answer it. And that blows my whole theory into the water.

    At least you know that you are not alone. :) I'm cringing too!

    Today my purpose is to be a child of God, to be a light where He needs me to be. Maybe it was at Walmart today when I smiled at a man who looked like he needed one. Doesn't seem like a huge purpose in life...but then again, maybe it was for today.

    Love you, friend. And love that you continue to search out God daily! That is a great purpose-seeker!!!
